things which can be done with bamboo leaves

It is possible to make a facial scrub with bamboo leaves. You can make your skin glow by using bamboo leaves which are full of anti-oxidants.

Used to make a  facial scrub

You can make delicious and healthy bamboo tea with either fresh or dried bamboo leaves. It is easy to make your own bamboo tea from your garden

Used to brew  bamboo tea

Use bamboo leaves as fodder If you’ve got lots of bamboo growing and you have farm animals to feed, fresh bamboo leaves are a great source of food.

Bamboo leaves can be fodder

Green leaves are used for weaving into a basket before they have completely dried. Once they dry out they become too brittle to weave into a basket.

basket has bamboo leaves

Bamboo vinegar is an amazing healing substance and can be used in many products for your skin or hair.

used to make bamboo vinegar

You can whiten your teeth with natural home made products such as bamboo leaves.

To whiten your teeth

To know the complete detail information about things which can be done with bamboo leaves you have to read our full article by click the link given below.