braid lucky

Lucky bamboo is a plant that gives you good luck and prosperity if we put this plant in our house. Lucky bamboo have different meaning with different numbers of stalks braided with each other.

braid lucky

We can gift this plant to our relatives and our office employer for wishing them prosperous and happy life. You can braid lucky bamboo at home so it will reduce cost. So here we discuss about steps required for braiding lucky bamboo


We can braid different numbers of bamboo stalk as our requirement, so we have to buy some bamboo stalks that have to braid with each other.

So what are the basic things you will need in this process.

Established bamboo stalks depending upon which safe’s bamboo plant you want and how many stalks you want in your braided lucky bamboo plant. Stalks should be 4 inches in length.

Pruning snips

Twisted ties

Shallow pot

Pebbles, ceramic chips or beads.

Steps: You have to take the container and fill it with the pebbles ceramic chips or beads.
Then you have to place the stalks into container. There should be 2 inches of space between them. If you want double stalk in a braided pattern, set two side by side and then leave 2 inches to the next pair, we can also shape them in circular shape and pineapple shape.

You have to fill the container with filtered or distilled water.

You have to tie the stalks in the way you want. This will force lucky bamboo into a certain direction. And you can achieve your safe as you want.

You can use light source where possible or needed. Cover sides in order to grow in your wanted direction.

There are many types of lucky bamboo after braiding it we can get it:

12 braided layer lucky bamboo

It is the symbol of luckiness and joyfulness.

Steps: So we have needed 12 stalks and some ties and pruning ships and pebbles , ceramic cheeps or beads. So first we have to cut stalks through pruning snips in desired from, and after it we have to braid them with each other properly to make it.

Features: Braided shaped

Bring happiness, fortune and good luck

A decorative piece

8 braided style: So we have needed 8 stalks which have to braid. And we need some pruning snips and some ties.

These 8 stalks have to braid with each other in 2-2 format like we have to braid 2 stalks with each other. Then we have to make pair of 2 stalks and after it we have to braid all pair.

Pyramid type lucky bamboo: it is 5 layer plant means it will need 10 lucky bamboo stalks.
So will need 10 bamboo stalks which have to braid in two layers first 5 lucky bamboo stalks have to braid with each other in diagonal shape. We have to braid 5 lucky bamboo stalks in diagonal shape in one layer then other 5 lucky bamboo stalks in other layer in other direction and after braiding them we will get pyramid shape.

It is a master piece which we can use in our home, that will give you home better decoration plus better luck. We can gift them also to our relative and employee.

braid lucky bamboo stalks meaning

So according to your requirement you can braid many numbers of stalk depend on you which shape and how many numbers of stalk you want in your braided lucky bamboo.

1 stalk: simple meaningful life
2 stalks: best for luck in love and marriage
3 stalks: happiness
4 stalks: never used, because 4 stalk give negative energy
5 stalks: academic achievement
6 stalks: blessing
7 stalks: health
8 stalks: luck in wealth
9 stalks: good fortune and over all luck
10 stalks: completion or perfection
21 stalks: all purpose blessing

Caring of braided lucky bamboo plant

You have to change water once a week, make sure you are using a filtered water because chemical in regular tape water can hurt the plant will yellow the leaves. You have to use fertilizer 3-4 times a year
Take care during trimming and shaping bamboo stalks.

Always use proper container that will be well rinsed.

Temperature of the environment should be 65 to 90 degree Fahrenheit. These plant should not be survived temp below 55 Fahrenheit.

Use a liquid fertilizer whenever it is possible.




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