Lucky bamboo in rocks

Recently, lucky bamboo plant has gained popularity in the world. This is not only because it can be transferred into various formations, but also it is very easy plant to grow and care for.

Lucky bamboo in rocks

Traditionally, this plant is presented as a gift to your loved ones or friends as a key of good fortune and luck. It’s also has air purifying properties, which is especially appreciated in indoor plants.
Lucky bamboo is very versatile, even with its medium growth. It can be easily grown in soil, water and even on rocks.


If you are considering to repot your lucky bamboo in rocks, or simply want to learn more about repotting it, then keep reading.

Lucky bamboo in rocks

A lucky bamboo needs repotting when its current conditions  become unfavorable to grow more further. Often, replacing the potting medium and the container may help you to fix the problem.
The first reason that your lucky bamboo may need to be repotted is to provide fresh growing medium and essential nutrients and minerals. Doing this , it will maintain the plant’s overall health and growth.

Before repotting your lucky bamboo in rocks, there are several things you should keep them in mind, which include your new pot,  water, a dusting cloth, and the rocks that you plan to use.

Wash the rocks with running water until all the soil and dirt have been removed and let them dry. Then, take the new pot and fill it to about one third with rocks. Next, place the pot under the tap and fill it with water about halfway only. Try to use water that contains neither chlorine nor fluoride.

If you use water that contains fluoride and chlorine, your lucky bamboo plant may die, so avoiding these is  must.

Once the new pot is prepared you can remove the lucky bamboo from its old pot. Do this as slowly and gently as possible.

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After removing the plant, check the stalks for any yellow parts, damaged roots and remove them using  tools.

Next, place the lucky bamboo in the new pot in such a way that roots are almost touching the bottom of the pot. Rearrange the rocks to provide support so that the plant stays upright. Place the pot in the area where it can get lots of sunshine, but make sure it is not direct sunlight because that can burn the plant. Check the water level daily to ensure that the water should always covering the rocks. The stalks of the plant do not need to be submerged but only roots need to have contact with water.

Change all of the water of the container once a week so that the container and the rocks can stay clean.

How to grow Lucky bamboo plant in water?

Here are some steps to grow lucky bamboo indoors plant in water.

  1. Use a layer of pebbles or stones to stabilize the stems of the plant and to hold it in place.
  2. Add water to keep the roots covered.
  3. Use distilled or filtered water is best, otherwise chemicals in water can cause the green tips of the leaves to burn and turn brown.
  4. The container must have drainage holes and do not let it sit in water or become waterlogged.
  5. You may use clear container which is easy to see the roots and check the water level.

How to grow lucky bamboo from cuttings?

This is a healthy step  to grow bamboo form cutting. First  you can take cuttings from trimmed the mother plant. Make sure the cuttings you take must have at least one leaf joint or  more. Trim excess leaves away to expose the growth of your plant.

Lucky bamboo in rocks can be rooted bare, or you can use a rooting hormone to grow healthily and easily. When rooting lucky bamboo in rocks, remember that the new plant will not have the same distinctive stalks and growth habit as compared to the parent plant.

It’ll be a pretty houseplant, with narrow green leaves and straight stems, but it won’t look like a professionally shaped and grown lucky bamboo. Rooting lucky bamboo in water is the preferred method that is commonly used all across the world.

Take trimmings  from your lucky bamboo plant  in rocks that include at least one leaf joint, and put them into distilled water. Then slightly reddish roots should emerged from the bottom of stalk and try to keep the water clean. Once the roots have emerged in water, you can either put the plant in a vase with some pebbles or pot it in regular soil.

Have a look: Where should we keep lucky bamboo at home ?

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Rooting lucky bamboo in rocks. Lucky bamboo will also readily to root in the soil. To root a new plant, you can push the trimmed stalk down into fresh potting soil, make sure that at least one root should node beneath the soil level. Try to keep the plant moist and warm until new growth will begins to emerge.

The easiest method of propagation is to take a cutting of fresh stem and leaves and place it in a glass of water. Within 5 or 10 days, the stem is growing roots, and then you can just plant it in the dirt. This method is also known as cloning.

This is not a common method for propagating bamboo in rocks, and it may not be workable with all kinds of plants. But it seems to work best with certain tropical plants of clumping varieties, like Bambusa, Dendrocalamus and Guadua.

Bamboo is a fantastic plant to work with it’s varieties. Whether you’re crafting, building or just gardening, there’s no end of experiments. Propagating bamboo in rocks is one of the most interesting activities. The easiest method is just to dig some plant cuttings with or without bamboo stalks, and replant them.

That’s best if you’re working with running bamboo or lucky bamboo plant. If you’re growing tropical bamboo in rocks, so you can try making cuttings from a nice, fat culm. Bury these segments and see how the roots grow from the branching joints that you plant. Unlike seeding, cuttings will may express some genetic variation from parent plant.

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