Plant from Cuttings

In this article we will discussed about some amazing and interesting fact about growing the lucky bamboo Plant from Cuttings

Plant from Cuttings

You must Take the trimmings that must includes at least one of the leaf joints, and also puts them into the distilled water. The New, appears in little slightly reddish in color roots that should also
emerges from the bottom of the lucky bamboo stalk.


You must Keep the water in the clean container. And Once the roots of the lucky bamboo have emerged new, you can also either put the lucky bamboo plant in a vase or a container with the decorative stones, pebbles or you must pot it up in the regular used soil.

Plant Lucky Bamboo from a Piece of Cutting

Can you on cutting a piece of lucky bamboo plant and then replant it?

When you already have a lucky bamboo plant planted in your home and putted in a pot or in the
landscape portion, it is a section of simple so that it must also propagates by the cutting
sections of the lucky bamboo stems and then replanting them in the same place, this is a
method which is also called as culm segment of the cutting.

The sections that are cutted of the lucky bamboo also develops new roots again, also helps in creating a new clone of the parent lucky bamboo plant. Each of the section of lucky bamboo plant will also grow into a new lucky bamboo plant .

Cutting of a lucky bamboo plant

The Lucky bamboo plant is a very popular house plant as a pet plant that people also loves
to gives as a new house warming special gift.

But, also Despite of the name, the lucky bamboo plant is not a really lucky bamboo plant,
and is also instead of a different species of scientific name Dracaena.

It is the easiest and the very fastest way that helps to propagate the new plants of the lucky
bamboo which is by taking all the cuttings from a healthy lucky bamboo stalk.

After you may remove the offshoot from the main lucky bamboo stalk, you may also remove
the leaves of lucky bamboo stalks and also place the offshoot inside the water until it may
grows in the roots of its own plant.

Also From there, you may also helps in continue the growing of the new lucky bamboo plant
inside the water, or you may transplant the lucky bamboo in to the regular soil to continue
the growing of the lucky bamboo plant. Also Luckily, when you are propagating the growing
of the lucky bamboo plant from cuttings it is also easy and does not take much time to grow.


The Lucky bamboo plant grows from cuttings in stalks with the help of roots at the bottom of the last end, and the tufts of the lucky bamboo are elongated with the green leaves of lucky bamboo plant to grow from the top of lucky bamboo.

And Despite of it is similar great appearance, it is not also closely related to the true lucky bamboo at all. Also In addition of having the straight bamboo stalks, you can also sometimes find the lucky bamboo plant with bamboo stalks are that are in braided or bundled in together with the wire.

The Lucky bamboo grows from cuttings can also be in curled shape and woven and also into various shapes. If you are a pet owner of a plant, you can grow lucky bamboo with the proper caution, as these species are very toxic to dogs and cats somehow also for humans.

With just a little care of the lucky bamboo, this is a very attractive houseplant and can also brings beauty to your home and maybe also gives even a little luck to your life and also to your space.

It is very important to get prune back with your lucky bamboo plant periodically, as its rapid growth can also make the lucky bamboo plant top heavy in nature. It also Trims offshoots with a new pair of
clean pruners and with the shears, and also saves them form the propagating.

By Trimming your lucky bamboo plant this allows you to control their height and its shape and also promotes the fuller growth.

How to propagate bamboo Plant from Cuttings

First, you must Prepare a new vase or container of water or a container that is well drained
potting from soil or coarse sand for your growing of lucky bamboo plant from cutting.

• Second, you must choose a healthy looking stem from the lucky bamboo plant around the
six inches long with at least a few lucky bamboo leaves.

• Third, you must use a clean and a sharp pair of pruning shears for trimming it off from the
plant close to the main stem of bamboo stalk.

• Fourth, you must Submerge the bottom at least three inches of the growing of lucky bamboo plant from cutting in distilled water that must be used to propagate the new stems of lucky bamboo plant.

• Fifth, If using sand or soil, moisten the growing medium, then plant the bottom three inches
of the cutting in the new container.

• Sixth, you must Keep your new cuttings of the lucky bamboo in the warm place, and draft them some free space with bright and indirect light. Also Once you may see the new leaves that starts to grow from the cuttings, you must need to know about the new roots that are growing from the growing of lucky bamboo plant from cutting.

• Seventh, When you are propagating this plant in water, you must check it from the new
roots that are growing from the submerged shoots of lucky bamboo plant.

• Eight, You must also Care for your new growing of lucky bamboo plant from cutting as you
love to care.


The Lucky bamboo plant can also be easily propagated from the cuttings of the growing of lucky bamboo plant from cuttings taking a mother stalk or a parent stalk from the lucky bamboo which also has a very healthy branch, also cutting it with the right kind of tools,

by keeping it in a pure water or in a distilled water container, by giving them enough light, and making it growing from the roots that makes it easy and also takes less time to propagate from the growing of lucky bamboo plant from cuttings.

By admin

4 thoughts on “How to Grow Lucky Bamboo Plant from Cuttings at Home | Best Gardening Idea”
  1. Was this translated from another language to English? It’s got so many errors that it’s hard to read.

    Pictures would be helpful, too.

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